The secret world of the animated characters Wiki

Jack Spicer is a secondary antagonist. He is voiced by Danny Cooksey.

Jack SpicerShowdown


characteristics: tall, slender, red eyes, red hair, pale skin, cute, handsome, self-confident, snobby (but not in a rich way) , arrogant, immature, selfish, childish, cowardly, clumsy, goofy, comedic, secretly kind, insecure and spoiled sweet

real age: 14 real years

species: human

occupation: inventor and student

nationality: American

religion: Christian

race: traditionally-animated

subrace: antagonist

comes from: Xiaolin showdown


  • He is allergic to liver.
  • He has an Eremophobia (fear of sollitude) and Coulrophobia (fear of clowns).


  • Crona: Most of the time he can be seen next to Crona, since they are close to age. His relationship with her seems to be rather neutral, since the two never fight or argue, but also do not seem to be very close. Although there is a possibility that he wants to impress her, because he seems to get jealous when Crona shows some interest towards other boys, namely Death the Kid.
  • the Horned king: He strongly respects, but also fear the king. Jack shows strong admiration and loyalty towards him and is always trying to impress him, but never suceeds.
  • Toffee: His relationship with Toffee is similar to his relationship with the king. He shows to him much respect, admiration and a desire tio impress him.