The secret world of the animated characters Wiki

Gabby Babblecock is a protagonist. She is voiced by Sofia Vergara and Marks Spencers.


About the character[]

Characteristics: slender, red blouse, blue trousers, pink eyes, golden bracelets, blue skin, beautiful, kind, sensitive, loving, dark, twisted, homicidal, racist.

Animated age: 18

Real age: 3 real years (fuck)

Family: Scorch Supernova (husband), Kip Supernova (nephew), Kira Supernova (sister-in-law), Gary Supernova (brother-in-law), Adolf Hitler (Mentor) (20/4/1889 - 30/4/1945).

Fun facts: Her name means "strong man of God and the purger of impure races.".
